Sunday, November 05, 2006

Anti 4X4 Bollox

Having only used this sight to post pics of my old car, now sold, vandalism of our latest family car has prompted me to write this.

Those Anti 4X4 pillocks have brainwashed some turd to key every panel of every large car in our street. Now I might of even been thinking of getting rid of the beast to get something a little more frugal but as you cnuts have now made it financially impossible to sell the car I am going to have to keep it.

I have been driving for 25 years and it is only lately that this jealousy erupting into mindless vandalism has erupted. What next!

What about sports cars that only carry 2 people, vans that are only used to carry large goods every few days or so, couples owning 5 seater cars and on and on. It is the thin edge of the wedge people. These muesli munching fuckwits want our cars, our individualism, our souls.

They are no better than the loonytic fundamentalists, of all religions.

This country is supposed to be democratic with freedom of choice so why should we let a bunch of soap dodgers hold sway over us all.

The government have only got on the "green" bandwagon as it is a great way to make more money out of us. Just because someone has to pay £300 a year to park their large car in Richmond does not mean that they will get rid of it. They own one because they wanted it or even needed it.

So the infinitessimally miniscule effect that the UK emissions have on the planet as a whole will continue whilst the government sits back and rubs it hands with glee.

And to the tossers that damaged the cars, people are getting very angry so I don't hold out much hope for you if you are caught.

Sorry that my first post in ages had to be a rant, maybe the next one will be written when I am in a lighter mood.


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